Ok, the election is over. We have a new president-elect and so with him, lots of promises to keep. And no matter which promises of the upcoming platform you deem important, you should demand the issues which brought Trump to the forefront of the campaign landscape be addressed immediately, immigration and “The Wall.”
Why? Because America has been invaded, and you are being lied to about it. Americans are being assaulted, kidnapped, and killed on our own soil and those stories are not being circulated to the public. And while most know the southern border is a mess, allowing illegals to swarm across it into our country, you don’t know to what extent they are eroding our laws, culture, safety, way of life. The stories are simply being kept from you.
Here’s a story you won’t likely see in the main stream media.
Walker Daugherty, a 26 year old hunting guide was shot, last week, as was his client, Edwin Roberts, five miles north of the Mexico border, at a hunting camp the night before he intended to take clients out on a aoudad hunt. It was dark, and everyone had turned in for the night, when the commotion started.
Keep in mind, the members of the hunting party are alleging they were attacked by Mexicans. Authorities are working very hard to deny those claims and are saying anything reported anywhere in the media is “fake news.”
The Albuquerque Journal outlines it here.
Five miles north of the Mexican border on a remote West Texas ranch, a New Mexico hunting guide and his client were wounded over the weekend in an alleged gunfight that a family friend described as an attack by “illegal aliens” and an attempted kidnapping.
The Presidio County Sheriff’s Office appeared to question that account in a statement Monday, saying “there is no evidence to support allegations of ‘cross-border violence.’” A Border Patrol spokesman called the alleged incident “highly unusual for our part of the border.”
The following is an account of the events.
Hunting guide Walker Daugherty, 26, of Chloride, N.M. – a ranching community about three hours southwest of Albuquerque near the Gila National Forest – was guiding an exotic big game hunt near Candelaria, Texas, on the border when his party was allegedly attacked by unknown assailants.
Daugherty and his fiancée, another hunting guide and his wife were staying in a lodge at the Circle Dug Ranch. Edwin Roberts, the hunter, and his wife were asleep in a rented RV nearby when gunmen attempted to take the vehicle by force.
Daugherty was shot in the abdomen when he tried to stop the assailants from taking the RV with his clients inside, according to a statement issued by the Gila Livestock Growers Association that described the attack as a kidnapping attempt. Roberts, 59, was shot in the arm.
The RV was “riddled with bullet holes,” the statement said.
Daugherty and Roberts were taken to an El Paso hospital and were in stable condition Monday.
Gila Livestock Growers Association President Laura Schneberger issued this news news release with a detailed statement about the events of the night in question. Read the entire statement here.
While guiding an aoudad hunt in Presidio county Texas, a New Mexico hunting guide was shot in the abdomen and seriously wounded Friday night after what appears to have been an attempt to kidnap his clients on the Mexico border.
The guide remains in critical condition in a Texas Hospital. His client was also shot in the arm and is expected to recover.
Multiple assailants fired upon an RV parked near a hunting lodge where the party was staying for the hunt. The contracted hunter and his wife were asleep in the in the RV when the attack began.
Walker Daugherty, 26, of Chloride, NM was wounded while attempting to stop the assailants from taking the RV with his clients inside. He was assisted by another guide, Michael Bryant; the men were staying inside the lodge with their wives.
Per a family source, everyone was in bed preparing for an early hunt, the guides and cooks inside the house and the clients in the rental RV parked nearby. Walker heard voices outside and went to see what the noises were, he witnessed men with guns attempting to take the RV, he then ran back inside to get help. Walker and Michael armed themselves to defend and protect the client and to attempt to deter the assailants while the hunter attempted to escape in the RV which was being shot at repeatedly. The vehicle is riddled with bullet holes from the attack and suffered other structural damage.
The attack lasted long enough for Walker to run back to the house and get more ammunition, when he was close to the door his sister, saw him get shot and was able to drag him inside the house and away from the gunfire. The women in the lodge were able to get a spotty cell signal and call 911.
The Albuquerque Journal reports the Presidio County Sheriff isn’t buying cross border violence, calling the incident, “friendly fire.” And he isn’t buying it even thought it’s “a known corridor for drug mules and smugglers leading migrants illegally over the border.”
By phone, Dominguez said that despite the illegal traffic through the area, violent incidents like this one haven’t happened.
And the Border Patrol is chiming in sync.
“It’s highly unusual for our part of the border,” [Rush] Carter said. “Any kind of gun violence just doesn’t happen. I wouldn’t say ‘at all,’ but very, very few incidents. If we have gunplay in our area of operation, it’s not folks coming from Mexico doing that.
“We just don’t see it in people who are trying to smuggle aliens or narcotics. If you think about it, when something like that happens, you see the amount of law enforcement presence that comes into an area and the attention it gets, which is bad for them. It will make it that much tougher for them” to make their illegal crossings.
Daugherty is recovering from multiple surgeries in an El Paso Hospital. Roberts, also hospitalized, is expected to recover, as well.
On a side note, Daugherty is uninsured and a Go-Fund-Me account has been set up to help him with medical costs.
Why was he uninsured? Well, he tried to sign up for Obamacare, but was unsuccessful. Imagine that.
At the time of this posting, the account has raised $24,280 in 7 days, just short of its $30,000 goal.
So, the long and short of it is, two Americans were shot on American soil, in a known crossing site for illegals, and “authorities” don’t seem to be overly concerned. This is a developing story, folks, and it’s a prime example of why everyone, regardless of whom you supported in the last election, should be advocating for closed borders and a really, really swift and serious return to the rule of law.
Image: Source
Who the hell do they think did it then??? Auuggghhh!!! How asinine!!!