Culture Vigilante Action Items & Missouri Grassroots Radio 11/28/12

If you want to have an influence in taking back the culture, you must be engaged. This week’s show had a variety of action items for Culture Vigilantes to take up in order to make their voices heard.

FIRST: Listen to this week’s podcast here!

Daren Morley of Reboot Congress gave us an update on Lisa Jackson and her attempt to dodge Freedom of Information requests by creating multiple email accounts.

Liz Trent, of Spirit of Resistance explained Medical Jihad. Case in Point: A Missouri/Illinois Dr was convicted of intentionally receiving and distributing cancer drugs. Spirit Of Resistance offers a link to a KSDK story. Here are additional links to help explain Medical Jihad:


The book:

The verses:

Ray Cunio gives us details and descriptions on UN Agenda 21’s vernacular. Heres a link to Glenn Beck’s new book on Agenda 21 and a list to common terms identifying the One World Order initiatives.

Affordable housing
Ballot Box Planning
Benefit of all
Buffer Zones
Cap & Trade
Climate Change
Common Core Curriculum
Common good
Community Protocol
Comprehensive planning
Conservation Easement
Direct instruction
Endangered species
Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
Environmental Justice
General Plan
Global Warming
Good Business Sense
Green House Gas (GHG) Emissions
Growth management
HEAL (Healthy Eating Active Living) Communities
Healthy Communities Strategy
High Speed Rail
Historic preservation
Housing Element
International baccalaureate
International Council on Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI)
Invasive species
Jobs-Housing Connection
Land Use Policies
Lifelong learning
Livable communities
Livable Communities
Local Governments for Sustainability
Metropolitan Planning Organizations
Mixed Use Development
Multi-Use Dwellings
New Economy

New Urbanism
New World Order
One planet communities
Open Space
Outcome based education
Parking Policy
Precautionary approach
Precautionary Principle
Priority Conservation Areas
Priority Development Areas (PDA)
Public/Private partnerships
Quality of life
Resilient Cities
Responsible development
Safe Routes to Schools
Scenic views and vistas
School to work
Sensitive Lands
Smart growth
Smart Streets
Social justice
Stack and Pack Housing
Sustainable Communities Initiative
Sustainable communities partnership
Sustainable communities strategies
Sustainable development
Sustainable Economic Development
Sustainable medicine
Three “E”s of Sustainablity-Equity, Economy, Environment
Traffic calming
Transit Oriented Development (TOD)
Transportation Justice
Triple bottom line
Urban Growth Boundary
Urban revitalization
Vehicle Mileage Traveled Tax
Vibrant Neighborhoods
Visioning Meetings
Walkable Communities

And Last But Not Least:

The UNCRPD is in danger of advancing in the Senate. Make phone calls to your elected. This from HSLDA

Senate Hesitates on UN Disabilities Treaty—Keep Calling!

Yesterday afternoon, the Senate took a preliminary vote on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). The vote was on a “Motion to Proceed” which means that the Senate gave permission to begin debate regarding the treaty. As is often the case, this was a preliminary vote which tells us a great deal about the vote for final passage.Dear HSLDA Members and Friends,

The vote was 61 to 36 to proceed to debate. Three senators did not vote. The good news is that the Senate hasn’t proceeded to the next step—ending debate and voting on whether to ratify the treaty.

Every Vote Counts

Every Democratic senator voted for the treaty—Blumenthal (D-CT) was absent and not voting.

The Republicans supplied several “Yes” votes for the Obama administration on giving the UN some authority over America’s policies for disabled adults and children. The seven GOP senators supporting Obama’s UN push were: Ayotte (R-NH), Barrasso (R-WY), Brown (R-MA), Collins (R-ME), Lugar (R-IA), McCain (R-AZ), and Snowe (R-ME).

Senator Hatch (R-UT) also voted to proceed to debate, but we were just notified literally minutes ago that Hatch will vote against ratification of the CRPD. Barrasso was a huge disappointment because of his supposedly conservative stance on issues, but his defection has been known for some time.

A good surprise was that Senator Moran (R-KS) voted against the CRPD on this preliminary matter. Roberts (R-KS) and Kirk (R-IL) were absent.

I urge you all to send an email of thanks to the Republicans who voted against the CRPD. If your senator is a Republican, he or she voted against the CRPD unless mentioned specifically above. You can use the U.S. Senate’s webpage to email your senators.

Price to Pay

I urge you to call all of the other senators yet again and urge them to change their minds and support the principle that Americans should make the law for America. While it is unlikely that Democrats will change their minds, they need to know that there is a price to pay for attacking American parents and giving away American self-government. Answering phone calls for a few more days is a small price to pay for their decision to vote for the UN position. You can find your senators’ phone numbers by typing in your ZIP code here.

Senator Reid has not yet filed the motion needed to take this bill to the next vote which will be for cloture to end debate. Thus, there will be two more votes before the treaty can be ratified. We do not know the timetable yet. It could happen this week; it could be pushed later.

We absolutely have to keep the pressure on the Senate.

But it is very important that you all send emails of thanks to the 36 senators who stood against the UN. The opposition will be urging their people to pour on the calls to these 36 hoping to move just three. If we can keep at least 34, the treaty will be defeated.

Shore up the good guys with emails. Call the others to account with phone calls. Try calling their local offices for a change of pace.

Narrow Margin

The other side needs to change three votes to win. We need to keep up our defense of freedom because no one else will.

Thanks so much. You are making a difference. As you call, our federal relations team and Congressional Action Program families are lobbying face to face on Capitol Hill. The Senate leadership promised that this treaty would be ratified by July 26, 2012. Your calls are the reason we are still in the fight.

For Liberty,

Michael P. Farris, Esq., LL.M.
Founder and Chairman, HSLDA

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