Most politically engaged people area aware of how the executive and legislative branches are failing the foundation of American culture, but only a few are aware of the impact of the judicial branch’s part in destroying it. Even with the attention the higher courts are receiving in undermining legislative intent, by legislating from the bench, most people miss the judicial wrecking ball at the local level.
Yesterday I read a blog post, by a friend, who outlined a tragic situation, faced by a homeschooling mom of 9 children, with one on the way. The post brought to light a situation that is all too common, in American culture, but seems to go ignored by almost everyone. It’s the intentional undermining of the family cornerstone by your local family courts.
Before you read on, understand one thing. This is not about women against men, or men against women. It really is about the intentional undermining of the family foundation.
In this post, we learn that Michelle has been a stay at home mom, who homeschool her children. She has most recently been assaulted by her husband, fled the family home with her kids to find refuge in a women’s shelter. She is presently pregnant with her 10th child and her pregnancy is high risk.
Michelle has multiple sclerosis so she obviously battles health issues. Michelle has nine children and is in a high risk pregnancy with number ten on the way. Put that combination together and imagine how a woman who has been a stay-at-home mom the last nine years is going to find a job to support her family when she isn’t capable of working during this pregnancy; plus not many employers will be thrilled to find out a new employee will need time off for MS health issues, and/or time off for taking care of sick kids when they come home from school with the latest virus.
Her future is suspect at best. She has been out of the workforce for more than 9 years, has Multiple Sclerosis and is pregnant. There is not much hope she can earn a living to support herself and her children. Most likely, the court will not require her husband to support her or the children, and with the current Guardian Ad Litem system, the court’s answer to this is to likely take her children from her and put them in foster care.
The sad thing is, decades of leftist culture erosion have conditioned most people to believe that women are completely independent regardless of their marital status, their sacrifices made to care for families have no value because they don’t generate an income and that raising children is something that it takes a village to do, not necessarily a mother.
There is hope. Unfortunately, the numbers of victims of the family court systems are growing and starting to speak out in raising awareness. In this post, we learn that some courts are experimenting in taking away the unfettered power of the corrupt judicial systems in attempts to bring accountability to the process.
Because her courts were filling with plaintiffs/defendants representing themselves she devised a way to leave the lawyers out of it and allowed the parties to represent themselves.
“Each party speaks freely with the judge, tells the judge whatever they want the judge to hear, gives the judge whatever documents they want the judge to have, pictures anything they want to bring,” she says. “The other party does not get to cross examine them or ask any questions.”
Once the first person is done speaking with the judge, the process is repeated with the opposing party. Then the judge makes their ruling within days.
“Often times due to [self-representing litigants’] inexperience with the court system, they’re not equipped to give us all the information that we need oftentimes in a trial,” explains Judge Henry Latham, who is joining Tabor with the trial project. “This allows the judge to go much further than we’re allowed otherwise, given our judicial ethics, to proceed in asking questions.”
It’s a small step, but anything that can be done to take apart the corrupt process, where lawyers run the show, escalate cases, to benefit themselves, and completely circumvent the best interests of the children. It puts a noose around an out of control guardian ad litem system, and gives the parties their own voice.
It’s not a total solution but it’s a start.
Another thing that will help dismantle the darkness under which courts operate, is to read and share posts like this. Stop turning a deaf ear to this ugly situation. Sunlight is the best disinfectant to clearing up corruption.
You can also go here to help Michelle. She’s going to need all the support she can get.
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