A new day is here in that Trump understands the power of social media and the damage that mainstream media has done to the culture of free speech and news. Donald Trump just released this video, via youtube, to get his message, directly to the people who elected him, without the editing and spin from leftist detractors. Absolutely Brilliant!
Also he held a meeting, yesterday, with top mainstream media types, who apparently thought Trump was going to gravel and beg for their benevolence. HAHAHAHAHA! Are you laughing yet?
The Hill reported:
President-elect Donald Trump raged at anchors and executives from America’s five largest television networks during an off-the-record meeting Monday, according to a new report.
Two sources described the hour-long meeting at New York City’s Trump Tower in catastrophic terms to The New York Post.
“It was like a f—ing firing squad,” one source said of the meeting. “Trump started with [CNN President] Jeff Zucker and said, ‘I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed.’”
“The meeting was a total disaster. The TV execs and anchors went in there thinking they would be discussing the access they would get to the Trump administration, but instead they got a Trump-style dressing down.”
And if that isn’t enough of a dressing down of the liberal mainstream media, you’ll love this! He just cancelled a meeting with the, often combative, New York Post. You’ll remember the NYP as the paper that made its mission to attack Trump from every angle during the campaign.
It seems that there were “terms” set forth in the meeting with the President Elect. Really? When were there ever terms in a meeting with a President, or President Elect? Did Obama accept “terms” from the MSM when he met with them? … I don’t think so.
NEW YORK — President-elect Donald Trump abruptly canceled a meeting with The New York Times on Tuesday, accusing the organization of changing the conditions for the session “at the last moment.” The newspaper denied the charge and said Trump’s aides tried to change the rules.
He’d been scheduled to meet Times reporters, editors and columnists and did not give details of his complaint, saying in a morning tweet only that “the terms and conditions of the meeting were changed at the last moment. Not nice.”
He said in another tweet: “Perhaps a new meeting will be set up with the @nytimes. In the meantime they continue to cover me inaccurately and with a nasty tone!”
If this is the kind of tone we can expect from Trump and his upcoming administration, … BRING IT!
Image: Source
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Screw the media! All Leftist Liars and Traitors!
About time the news media was taken to task. No more “spin” on the news. We want fair and truthful reporting